Ap Chemistry


Get Ready for JjangJi ! (AP 화학 문제풀이)

Periodic Trend

Unit1 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)

Intramolecular Bond

Unit2 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)

Intermolecular , Ideal Gas

Unit3 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)


Unit4 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)

Rate of Reaction

Unit5 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)​


Unit6 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)​​


Unit7 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)

Acid and Base

Unit8 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)​


Unit9 AP Chemistry (AP 화학 문제)​​

A student, who is a disciple of Jjangji, said that Jjangji Chemistry is the best teacher after being accepted to Oxford.

Asian girl in school uniform with braided hair listens to music outdoors.
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